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José Luis Maúrtua Orchestral Strings Scholarship

José Luis Maúrtua Orchestral Strings Scholarship Image
Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
86 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on January 10, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Support student musicians and the string section expansion of CMU's orchestra.

José Luis Maúrtua was born in Trujillo, Peru, on December 13, 1964, and passed away in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, on May 7, 2022. He joined the faculty of Central Michigan University in 1999 where he served as Director of Orchestral Studies and Professor of Composition.

He was deeply loved by his family, friends, students, and colleagues. Long-serving as a living cultural bridge between South America and North America, he was a gifted and generous musician and educator.

Dr. Maúrtua long dreamed of expanding the string section of CMU’s orchestra through greater support for its student musicians. This scholarship will be a memorial to that vision.

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Help a CMU student musician succeed.



Give a student musician the boost they need.



Support the string expansion of CMU's orchestra.



Help a CMU student musician succeed.



Provide the opportunity for a CMU student musician to get a quality education.



Make a world of difference for a CMU student musician this year.