Saginaw Medical Education Enrichment Award

Saginaw Medical Education Enrichment Award Image
Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
14 Donors
days left
Project ends on April 16, at 12:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Provide support to advance medical education and professional development opportunities.

The Saginaw Medical Education Enrichment Award was created to provide support to advance medical education and professional development opportunities for CMU College of Medicine students, as well as resident doctors in training and faculty physicians employed by CMU Medical Education Partners in the Saginaw community.

The mission of CMU Medical Education Partners is to advance the quality of health care for our communities and to support local physician staffing needs by attracting, developing and retaining highly educated health care professionals for the Great Lakes Bay Region.

Your decision to invest in a fund that supports our learners, faculty and staff initiatives, and the overall progression and growth of CMU Health patient care clinics represents an investment in your community, promising a significant, long-term economic and social impact. The attraction and retention of sophisticated, culturally competent health care professionals to your community are exactly the kind of economic drivers that support job creation, commerce, and higher tax revenues. In turn, these revenues support schools, housing, transportation, and other public services within the community.

In honor of our community, please consider a gift to the Saginaw Medical Education Enrichment Award. Your contribution creates valuable resources that can be used now for current needs and for future opportunities that will bolster the wellbeing of all who reside in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

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Help CMU College of Medicine students and the CMU Medical Education Partners.



Advance the quality of health care for our communities.



Invest in a fund that supports CMU learners, faculty, and staff initiatives.



Make a world of difference for a CMU student this year.



Fire Up for the CMU College of Medicine.