CMU Latine Alumni Chapter

CMU Latine Alumni Chapter Image
Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
3 Donors
days left
Project ends on June 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Support Latine students and alumni success.

The purpose of the CMU Latine Alumni Chapter is to strengthen the engagement of Latine alumni, elevate Latine student success, and celebrate the Latino/a culture. 

We will do this by:

  • Creating opportunities for professional development
  • Enhancing our collective voice by enacting positive change on Central Michigan University’s campus
  • Maintaining a connection to Central Michigan University
  • Celebrating Central Michigan University Latine constituents’ achievements

The money raised with these donations will be used to put on programming to achieve these goals, as well as eventually fund a scholarship for a current Latine student and/or graduating student.

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Help alumni maintain a connection to CMU.



Celebrate CMU's Latine constituents’ achievements!



Help enhance the collective, positive voice of Latine alumni.



Put support behind creating an eventual scholarship for current Latine students and/or graduating students.



Elevate Latine student and alumni success at CMU, and help keep us all connected.



Pave the way for current and future Latine students and alumni, help boost our voice on CMU's campus, and celebrate Latino/a culture through programming.